Off Page Seo: Basics And Effective Strategies

Syed Ayaan
6 min readApr 14, 2024

Off page Seo is arguably the most critical strategy to improve your rankings on the search engine results page. It means to optimize components outside of your website so that you can rank on the first page of a search engine. And you plan to do it without spending a single penny.

You see, it’s a useful skill to have in your sleeves as all online businesses need to employ this strategy to bring organic traffic to their platforms. So continue reading if you’re a complete beginner because you’ll know a lot about off page Seo after reading this article.

Off Page Seo Vs On Page Seo

Before we get to off page seo, there is a similar term that I am sure you’ve heard before: on page Seo. It needs to be defined as well so you can effectively differentiate between them.

On page seo refers to optimizing different elements on your website like URL, title tags and heading tags. By doing your on page Seo, you’re telling the search engines what your page is about.

On the flip side, Off page Seo is making an effort on elements outside your website to earn better rankings on the search engine results page. The goal of off page Seo is to let the search engines know what others think about your website, products and services.

Both of these strategies have a common goal of bringing relevant traffic to your website and making more conversions.

Is Off Page Seo Important?

You can debate about it. Some people ask why make so much effort and spend so much time on off page Seo when you can get better rankings instantly through ad campaigns and pay per clip kind of things. Yes, you have to spend some bucks, but you get results instantly. So why do off page seo?

The fact of the matter is it depends on your situation and your goals. If you are in a position to spend some money on advertising and want instant results then yes go for it.

But If you are willing to take a difficult but stable path then you should go on for off page Seo because it brings the relevant traffic organically without spending a buck.

Another thing about off page seo is you get to build your authority through it, in your industry. If more and more people know about you, of course you’re going to get more business.

Factors Affecting Off Page Seo

Now that we know the importance of off page seo in modern online marketing, it’s time to jump into the playing field and learn about the factors affecting off page seo.

We learnt that we do off page seo of our website so that the search engine gets the idea of other’s opinion about our business.

So, the question is how does it determine that?

The most important aspect of off page seo is generating links to your website from credible and authoritative websites in your industry. It’s almost like a link is a synonym for off page seo because that’s what off page seo is all about.

The search engine spiders crawls through its web and investigates if you have any links pointing to your web pages from other sources. The more backlinks you get, the more it sees you as credible and an expert in your niche.

So backlinks are an essential part of the component of off page seo. But one more thing you can do is to get your brand’s name mentioned on other websites.

So you strive to generate credible backlinks but even if you get a brand mention, that is success as well.

Lastly, search engines also check your presence on social media since it tells them if you’re actively helping your customers and if you have a following there. So it’s important to decorate your social media profile.

Best Off Page Seo Practices

Based on the factors that contribute to off page Seo, here are the best off page seo strategies.

Generating Backlinks

We know that generating backlinks is the crux of off page seo. All the other techniques are just a way to get these references back to your website.

But the question here is, how do you get other people referencing you without any stipend?

There are a few things you can do.

First is the broken link hunt. Broken link is when you click on a link and it directs you to an error page. And yes you’re right, that is very frustrating for the readers. Therefore nobody wants these types of links on their website. You can check authoritative websites in your niche to see if they have any broken outside link and inform the owner about it.

In return you can ask them if they’re willing to give you a backlink instead since they have to fill that space. More often than not you’ll get a backlink from that website owner.

Now the challenge here is how do you know if someone has a broken link on their website? Do you go through the nook and cranny of their website?

That is an absurdity, when you have so many effective seo tools around you. So here are some tools you can use for broken link hunt:

  • Ubbersuggest
  • Moz’s link explorer
  • Semrush
  • Ahrefs

Among all the best off page Seo practices mentioned here, generating backlinks is the most effective one. And broken links are key to it. But let’s look at some other ways to produce backlinks.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is an effective tactic as it exposes you to a large audience on an expert website in your industry. Basically, what you do here is ask these websites to let you post content on their website under your name, In return they give you a backlink.

This is a win-win situation because a large audience is exposed to your expertise on the subject and you get a link to your webpage as a token of appreciation. So your credibility and authoritativeness increases in the eyes of search engines.

A question arises here…

How do you find websites that will let you post on their platform?

Simply, go to google and search “your keyword” + “this is a guest post by” and you will get businesses who have let people post on their website. Your chances of getting a guest post from them is higher because if they’ve hosted guests on their platform in the past then they can let you do that again.

Content Marketing

A long term strategy for off page seo is marketing through your content. It involves producing content that is helpful to readers, catches their attention and solves their problems. If you can put some time into generating this type of content, it’s natural that you’ll get mentions on other websites. Others may reference your webpage that includes practical guides, checklists or videos. That way you get a reference from them.

Answering Questions On Forums

Thanks to forums like Quora and reddit, you have a large number of people inquiring about their problems. You can go help them and drop a link to your content if it’s relevant to them. When you do it consistently, people see that you’re a helpful source so they might post a link to your website on their, or anyone else’s platform.

Generating Leads Through Social Media

Sharing your helpful content on social media will bring more new visitors to your website. If your content is appealing to people and it engages them effectively along with solving their problems, you’ll generate more leads to your website.

As the number of visitors on your website increase, search engines start seeing you as someone with authority.

To Summarize…

Learning and applying the best off page seo practices is essential to bringing organic and relevant traffic to your website. In this article, we learnt that off page seo is all about building your reputation online.

Simply put, more mentions of your business from credible sources means more authority and expertise in the eyes of search engines. Therefore, we looked at the strategies that you can apply to get more references.

I hope it helped!



Syed Ayaan

I am a freelance writer, having an interest for Marketing and self-improvement niches. I try to produce articles to help people and provide them value.