How To Get More Clients Through Social Media Marketing

Syed Ayaan
6 min readFeb 27, 2022

The traditional ways of marketing are known to almost every business owner. Yet, many of them don't know how to reach their audience online and create conversions.

There are many ways to find new clients online, and one of the effective ways is through Social media marketing.

Social media marketing is done by spreading the word about your business through social media platforms like- Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram- and getting clients through it. And in this article, we’ll discuss how to do that.

Below you are gonna be bombarded with some of the effective tips to help you get more leads through social media marketing which will help you make more money. So let's start without a delay.

Tip 1. Appear More Professional

Picture yourself visiting a social media profile of a brand, that vaguely mentions their details. Would you buy from them?

Of Course not. That's because their first impression was pathetic and their profile turned out to be a big turn-off for you.

You see how important your profile's outlook is. That's because people want to make sure that they are buying from professionals.

So how to land a good first impression on your potential buyers?

  • Have a brand-describing profile picture. Your display picture should not be a selfie or a photo of your pets because that looks kind of immature. Instead, you can use your company’s logo picture as your display picture to reflect professionality.
  • Have an about page. Your about page should describe your story, mission, and mention all your services.
  • Make your contact information visible. You can create a separate contact page so that it is easy for your clients to connect with you.
  • Always post related to your business.

Tip 2. Engage Your Prospects

This is the crucial part. You must engage your potential customers regularly to be always on their minds.

Because when you don't post on your social media for days, you're likely to lose your follower's interest in your product and be forgotten.

So how can you counter this?

Initially, focus on talking about them instead of yourself. Analyze what difficulties your prospects face in their daily lives, and then provide useful solutions to their problems. This will not only make you trustworthy, but they'll also start seeing you as experts in your field.

Besides you can engage your followers by asking quizzes, sharing some good work, and liking and commenting on their posts.

You see all these suggestions are customer-based. That’s because businesses around the globe cannot talk enough about themselves, and that causes boredom among their audience. So you have the chance to stand out by focusing more on providing value rather than talking about your business. By doing that, you will naturally attract more clients.

Tip 3. Answer Queries

The sole purpose of you answering your potential client's questions is to help them. Provide them value. Solve their problems. Don't think of this opportunity as a chance to boast about your products or knowledge. Just humbly help them.

You might ask what's in it for me?

Well, it will increase your sales. Because when you help your prospects, they'll start to see you as the masters of the field. And this will make them trust you and think of you as the person who wants to help them genuinely.

So here are some ways you can answer their questions.

The most effective way is to make an entire post dedicated to their questions. This is more helpful, because when you dedicate the whole post to their questions, your clients will realize that they are of paramount importance to you, and that you care for them. But don’t make a post on every question that you see. In contrast, make posts on those questions that are on the mind of many. So a single post addresses a big part of your audience.

Also, join different groups related to your field and try to take part in the discussions by helping them. Websites like Quora can also help you in this regard as many questions are asked on these websites and this provides you the opportunity to assist others.

Tip 4. Try To Be First In Everything

Stats say that 71% of the prospects are likely to recommend your brand to their social circle if they are served well socially.

When we talk about taking care of your clients the first thing that comes to mind is addressing their queries quickly. Late answers are a big turn-off for everyone. For example, when my friend hasn't replied to me in days, I usually get frustrated. Identically, when a client sees that their questions are delayed, they get a feeling that you don't want to help them. They start to think of you as a salesperson who only wants to benefit himself. And that is detrimental for your brand.

Tip 5. Begin Conversations

Social media is a platform to connect with others. So you can capitalize it to your business' advantage. Try to connect with your audience by starting meaningful conversations.

You can do so by asking for feedback on some of your services. Besides you can also ask for their opinions and insights. Statistically speaking, 'which', 'would' and 'should' questions get the most answers. So try to start your questions from these as these words will excite your audience.

Tip 6. Post Consistently

Engaging your audience on a consistent basis plays a key role in the success of all businesses. And you’re trying to do the same with social media marketing.

But to make sure that your prospects stick with you, you must post consistently to remain in the limelight.

Many people post once and then there is a long dry patch of weeks, even months. This ruins the enthusiasm of your future purchasers and they are no longer interested in your services.

So keep yourself accountable for posting regularly. Usually, posting once a week is ideal and that should be your target.

And you can post anything that you think engages your audience. It could simply be like answering queries, sharing good work and case studies.

Tip 7. Social Media Ads

Almost everyone around the globe spends a big chunk of their time on social media. So social media would be a great place to start advertising your services.

Advertising will not only help you get visible, but it will also facilitate you in building future connections. You have the opportunity to guide them towards your website or your social media profile where they can know more about you.

But what should you advertise?

You can either advertise your paid services or free services. I would personally recommend that you make an ad on unpaid services. That's because people are more likely to respond to this magical word 'free'. They won't want to miss out on a free opportunity if that's the one that interests them. You could promise to provide an e-book or a sample of your service for free in your ad. In that way, your customers will start to know about your business and you'll make many connections that will help you in the coming days.

Tip 8. Tag

If you want easy marketing of your product, start tagging the experts in your field. Tagging will provide you a way to connect with the masters as well as the whole group that might be interested in your services. As we know, the majority follows the masters, so start attracting that majority by tagging the experts.


Getting regular clients through social media has never been so easy. In this article, I’ve mentioned 8 practical ways to help you boost your business through social media marketing. If you do the hard work and apply these tips, then I am sure you can get a steady stream of clients from social media platforms and ace your business.

If I've missed something, please feel free to correct me in the comment box.

If you're a marketing expert, please share some useful tips in the comments for all us.



Syed Ayaan

I am a freelance writer, having an interest for Marketing and self-improvement niches. I try to produce articles to help people and provide them value.