How To Engage Your Customers Online

Syed Ayaan
4 min readMar 5, 2024

Traditional marketing was all about spreading the word about your brand, mainly through advertising. But over the years, we have seen some new ways that prominent businesses use to increase their sales. Online consumer engagement is one of them.

Interacting online with your customers is tough and time consuming but it reaps huge benefits in the long run. Basically, it’s a way to tell your customers that you care about their needs. That results in them trusting you, which improves your chances of making more sales.

Alright, but how do you engage your customers?

Below you will be reading about the ways that big businesses use to interact with their customers nowadays.

Start An Email Newsletter

Have you ever received an email from a business website explaining about their products and services? That’s one example of an email newsletter. All business giants use it to keep in touch with their customers. So let’s look at some of the uses of email newsletter in today’s way of marketing.

Email newsletters can be used to provide vital information about your products and services to your potential buyers. That way your customers know the value of purchasing from you.

Another use of email newsletters is that they can be used to make your customers aware about the deals and discounts that you have to offer at a particular time. If your buyer is aware of all the deals you have to offer, then this increases your chances of making more sales.

Make It Personal

Customers like it when they feel that they were remembered. I know it’s not easy to remember everything about everyone. But your goal should be to make your messages as personalized as possible.

Start your messages with the greetings and the person’s name. We all know that the word everyone wants to hear the most is their name so take advantage of it. Starting your messages with their name makes them feel that you’re directly talking to them, more like a face to face conversation.

Next, try to keep a record of your buyer’s likes and dislikes and communicate with them keeping their nature in mind. There are a lot of automation programs that are helping companies keep track of their customer’s data.

Look for Opportunities To Talk With your Clients

It’s very common that when a company has made a sale they stop talking to their customers. Even when people need some help, the customer support team doesn’t come forward. Tell me, would you buy from such a company again?

But that gives you an opportunity to stand out. People remember those who help them when they need it, right?

So don’t leave your customers alone when they need a helping hand. Instead, listen to their problems and try to genuinely solve them. That way, they’ll remember you and more likely purchase from you in future.

Ask For Feedback

One of the ways that enables you to talk to your customers regularly is if you ask for feedback. The thing about feedback is that you can ask for feedback on anything.

When they sign up for your newsletter, when they ask for help, or when the item is delivered to them. All of these scenarios are an opportunity for you to talk to them and improve on your shortcomings.

Moreover, asking for public opinion about your service provides you with a chance to better understand their needs and wants, and fix your strategies according to them.

Lastly, asking for feedback lands a good impression on your clients. Because now they know that you did not disappear after making a sale. On the contrary, you are working with them to enhance the customer experience. That you want to help them. And make them happy.

Send Surveys

The purpose of surveys is to determine how the people on the other side think. You can use surveys to get information about the likes and dislikes of your clients because taking surveys is a highly effective way to gather a lot of useful information in a very little time.

But the problem is not everyone is willing to take out the time to fill out the surveys. People have their reservation for giving out their personal information, and even for spending time on something that doesn’t benefit them directly.

So how do you counter this problem?

By setting some kind of reward for filling out your surveys. As reward motivates action, a small discount is enough to inspire people to make time to fill your surveys.

Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Every person on the planet uses at least one social media website. Which gives you a medium to reach a very large audience. Therefore, you should have a presence on social media.

Start by creating a page of your company, and then post regularly about your products and services. But keep one thing in mind that people use social media for entertainment, so you have to make it fun.

You can post about the recent happenings in your industry, give them funny memes and put some time on the title of your posts. Doing these can attract a lot of new people to your page as well.

Social media is an essential platform for businesses as it not only allows you to teach people about the services you’re offering, but also allows your consumers to submit their queries through comments or messages on your posts. It makes things easier for both buyer and seller.

Final Words

If you want to connect with your customers after they’ve known about your business, you have to find ways to interact with them. In this article, I’ve listed some ways you can connect with them and explained some advantages of using them.

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Syed Ayaan

I am a freelance writer, having an interest for Marketing and self-improvement niches. I try to produce articles to help people and provide them value.